Welcome back to the Remodel Your Reality Challenge! When you clearly define what you want, your brain is able to use your desires to refine the filters it will refer to when processing the information around you. As a result, you become more sensitive to both those opportunities that may have always existed in your life and any new information that could help you achieve your goals. This is called sensory acuity. (It’s the same thing that happens when you buy a new car and suddenly start seeing that make and model everywhere.)

One strategy for maximizing your results is called mapping the gapdefining and organizing the steps you’ll need to take to bridge the gap between where you are today and where you’d like to be. The mapping process is very simple, and involves three basic questions: What do you want? Where are you now? What must you accomplish to create what you want?

One Thing To Think About

The more clearly you’ve defined what you want, the more powerfully the process of sensory acuity will support you. In fact, once you clearly map the steps you need to take to breathe life into your vision, you’ll be surprised at how many resources you discover at your immediate disposal.

One Question To Answer

Can you remember experiencing sensory acuity before as a result of focusing on a need, want or event? What happened? How can you use that phenomenon to your advantage in creating the life of your dreams?

One Challenge To Take

Create your plan of action. You’ll need about one hour for this activity, either all at once or a little at a time. I asked you to suspend realism during the visioning process, but I invite you to bring it back into play for this exercise. Get real with yourself. To turn your vision into a reality, you must acknowledge where you are now and clearly define what you need to accomplish.

  1. Where are you now? Define your current circumstances.
  2. What results do you need to create to get where you want to be?
  3. Order your results. Which must you accomplish first, which second, which third, and so on?
  4. Consider your first result. What actions must you take to create the outcome you’re committed to?
  5. What resources can you draw upon to support you?

Move through this process for each of the areas of your life we discussed last week. To avoid overwhelm, prioritize your lists and commit to targeting one result at a time. This approach helps you put a manageable framework around your activities. While you’ll be making massive progress in each area of your life, your clear focus will give you a sense of emotional equilibrium and self-mastery. This is the foundation of a well-balanced life.

Take Care of You!


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