Week Nine: Assess Your Mental Energy

By November 3, 2014 November 20th, 2014 52 Week Challenge

Welcome to Week Nine of The 52 Week Remodel Your Reality Challenge! You are doing great. By now you’ve made just a bit of time for yourself, have started to set up a support system, begun to take care of your physical body, and started to consider how your physical environment impacts your energy. You’ve done great work!

As a reminder, in the last couple of weeks we’ve really started to look at energy. Specifically, I’ve suggested that there are three kinds of energy which impact our lives; physical, mental, and emotional. Over the last two weeks we’ve taken a look at the two areas that impact your physical energy; the way you take care of your body and the way you manage your space. This week, I’d like to talk about the second type of energy – mental energy.  

One Thing To Think About

In a nutshell, your energy is impacted by what goes on in your head. You can liken the available space in your mind to that of a computer’s hard drive. The more items you save in your memory bank, the less space you have available to support your vitality. While factors in this area are slightly less tangible than those impacting your physical energy, they are no less profound.

Mental energy revolves around your commitments. When you maintain an inventory of projects you’ve started but not finished, a running to-do list, or a series of cumbersome promises, you set yourself up for energetic depletion, because each of these items takes up valuable space in your mind. 

One Question To Answer

What does your mental hard-drive look like? Take the quick quiz that follows

  • Do you schedule more tasks in a given day than you can reasonably accomplish?
  • Do you put important tasks or projects off?
  • Do you have a list of half-completed projects that need to be addressed?
  • Are you consistently late to scheduled appointments?
  • Do you accept requests and invitations you would prefer to decline, or spend time with people you don’t like?
  • Do you commit to projects out of a sense of obligation; accepting responsibilities because you’re worried about what others will think of you if you don’t?
  • Have the same tasks or projects been on your to-do list for more than three months?

If you answered yes to three or more of these questions your hard-drive is on overload! We need to clean it up.

One Challenge To Take

Making commitments you fail to make good on undermines your self-esteem and diminishes your confidence in your ability to follow through. (I know – potentially depressing, isn’t it?) Well, it doesn’t have to be.

I have a truth for you. I’ve never worked with a woman who didn’t “fail” this quiz (myself included). That doesn’t mean you are a failure. It means you are a woman. Life is designed to set you up for failure! It’s time to short-circuit this process. Let’s get started TODAY.

Your homework is simple. I challenge you to make a list of the various tasks, projects, and commitments you currently have stored in your mind. (I – quite inelegantly – call this a brain dump).

Do your brain dump today – perhaps even throughout this week. If you’re thinking about the fact that you want or have to do anything – write it down on your list. Bring your list to next week’s session. We’re going to make it mean something.

Until then – just get this stuff out of your head. Enjoy the liberation you will experience as a result.

Until Next Week…


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