Welcome back to the Remodel Your Reality Challenge! One of the biggest mistakes people make in the area of personal development is focusing on their weaknesses. For some reason, people have bought into the notion that most of their energy should be directed at shoring up inadequacies instead of developing their natural gifts. But the fact is, when you focus on building your strengths instead, the power of those attributes eclipses your weaknesses naturally.

I’m not suggesting that you avoid acknowledging your weaknesses or shy away from learning new skills or information. I am reminding you that no one is good at everything, yet everyone is good at something!

Claiming your strengths is the first factor in the passion triad. As you become clear about your gifts, you will naturally seek opportunities to apply them. This action pulls you into a cycle of success, with each strength-based accomplishment contributing priceless deposits to your self-confidence account. This shift, in and of itself, is incredibly powerful.

One Thing To Think About

Your strengths are actually hardwired in your brain. You are literally born to be good at certain things, and each of us is born with a unique lineup and combination of specific attributes. Rather than attempting to reverse your biology, why not invest in maximizing the gifts you’ve been given?

One Question To Answer

What qualities do you respect and admire in yourself? What characteristics do others acknowledge you for? What are you naturally good at?

One Challenge To Take

The first step in awakening and unleashing your passion involves committing your focus to the naming and claiming of your strengths.

  1. Identify Your Strengths: Write down your ten greatest strengths. You can identify these qualities on your own, look up a list of strengths in a self-help book or website, or ask two or three close friends or family whom you trust and who care about you to tell you what they believe your strengths are.
  2. Claim Your Strengths: For each of the strengths you’ve identified, recall at least one accomplishment or contribution you’ve made as a result of using that strength. If you can think of more than one example, that’s great. At a minimum, identify one example for each of your strengths. You can come up with these on your own, or ask someone close to you for help.

Take care of you!


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