Welcome back to the Remodel Your Reality Challenge! Today, we’re going to move past what you need and talk about what you believe and how that can affect your life. A belief is a firmly held opinion. While your needs drive your behavior, your beliefs color your world. They dictate how you assign meaning and govern your expectations, either limiting or expanding your life possibilities. Ultimately, they define what you hold as truth, which significantly impacts your behavior and your emotional wellness.

There are five belief categories that factor into life satisfaction that we will discuss over the next few weeks: life, self, people, love, and abundance. I invite you to consider each of these areas and identify places where your beliefs could become more powerful.

One Thing To Think About

Like the strategies you use to satisfy your needs, your beliefs form throughout your life. You learn from every interaction with family, authority figures, classmates, co-workers, and society. Once the seed of a belief is planted, your brain collects life experiences to back it up, forming an intellectual repository of proof. This cycle is critical to evaluate. What you hold as true becomes your reality. Empowering beliefs support your ability to create and appreciate a high quality of life. They help you see possibility and cause you to expect good things to happen. Their negative counterparts, on the other hand, will almost assuredly limit your life experience, causing you to expect the worst and invest your energy in fear.

One Question To Answer

Your beliefs are firmly held opinions that dictate how you assign meaning to your life experiences. Beliefs about life, self, people, love, and abundance color your day-to-day reality, either limiting or expanding your world.

Where have you found beliefs limiting you in the past? Where have beliefs empowered you? What strategies have you used previously to strengthen positive beliefs and diminish negative ones?

One Challenge To Take

Over the next week, take a few moments from time to time to step back from whatever you’re doing and think about the beliefs that are involved in this situation.

  1. Think about the situation at hand – what are you doing? Why are you doing it? Who else is involved?
  2. Ask, “What beliefs do I have about the situation in general? What do I believe about myself and others in this situation?”
  3. See if you can determine where those beliefs came from, and whether they are positive (empowering), negative (disempowering) or neutral.

What you hold as truth becomes your reality. Don’t place limits on your success or hold yourself back from your dreams. Instead, use the power of your beliefs to support you in the pursuit of fulfilling work and a happy life.

Until next time, take care!


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