Welcome back to the Remodel Your Reality Challenge! What do you believe about life? Is it a game, meant to be played and enjoyed? Is it a school, ripe with opportunity for learning? Is it a struggle, filled with hardships and strife? Whatever you believe will dictate the way you approach and experience every day of your existence.

For example, someone who believes that life is a precious gift that should be lived to its fullest will see and experience a vastly different reality than someone who believes life is filled with suffering and is to be endured rather than enjoyed – even if they have the same background, opportunities and options.

One Thing To Think About

While you may not have the ability to control all the circumstances of your life, you are solely responsible for managing what things mean to you. You can choose to empower yourself with positive messages, looking for the good in each day, or you can invest yourself in a defeatist attitude. Whatever you choose to believe, you will be right—because your beliefs become your reality.

One Question To Answer

How long has it been since you’ve stopped to consider what being alive means to you? Which of your life beliefs limits you? Which opens your world up to possibility? Where might you need to make a shift?

One Challenge To Take

  1. Identify one empowering belief you have about life.
  2. How has that belief served you in your life and work?
  3. Now, identify one disempowering belief you have about life.
  4. For each belief, ask yourself the following:
  • Identify it – Write the belief down.
  • Define it – What is supporting this belief? What experiences are you using to prove the belief?
  • Disprove it – Are your proof points really valid? What else could they mean?
  • Shift it – How could you improve upon this need, so that it serves you? What proof points could you use to support it?

Until next time, take care!


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