Welcome back to the Remodel Your Reality Challenge! There are five primary needs that everyone has in common: The need for security, the need for connection, the need to be autonomous, the need to feel competent, and the need to feel worthy. Each of these needs is a core part of human nature. Today, we will address the need for security.

Your need for security is based on survival and is your most primal requirement. This category includes both the need to meet your physiological requirements and the desire to preserve your safety.

Physiological needs include food, shelter, water, elimination, and sleep. These are the inherent requirements of biological survival. You must nourish and hydrate yourself, you need housing, you must make time for sleep, and your body must remove waste from your system. In essence, you must address the needs of your body before you’re able to address the needs of your emotion or intellect.

Related to your need to take care of your body is your need to protect it. While fundamentally rooted in your desire to protect your physical safety, this requirement also includes the need to preserve your emotional, intellectual, and material safety.

One Thing To Think About

If your need for safety is not satisfied, whether the threat you perceive is real or imagined, you will live in dedication to creating the security you seek. Your energy will be invested in protecting yourself. You will not seek out new opportunity, you will not engage with activities you associate with risk, you will avoid change, and you will live in a defensive state. This is not the way to live into your capacity, yet it’s how many people live.

If you don’t consciously decide how you’re going to meet your need for safety, your unconscious patterns will do the job for you. More often than not, this will result in a life of limitation, fear, and worry. You deserve better than that!

One Question To Answer

Did you know that your brain cannot distinguish between real and imagined threats? When you focus on what you fear might happen, your brain deals with the scenario you’re worried about as if it is actually happening. Your body moves into fight-or-flight mode and you have difficulty focusing on anything other than the perceived threat.

Where is this happening in your life? Are you worried about money? Your own physical safety or health? What about your kids? Anywhere you feel insecure or worried is a target for the following exercise.

One Challenge To Take

  1. Define the method you’ve adopted to satisfy your need for security.
  2. Identify at least one empowering and one disempowering behavior related to this need.
  3. Consider how you might make the disempowering strategy more positive. How could you shift your approach while still meeting your need
  4. Commit to integrating this improvement into your life.

Until next time, take care!


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