If you’re human, you’ve probably been stuck a time or two. (In fact, if you’re reading this, there’s a good bet you’re stuck on something right now.) Being in that sticky place feels like quicksand, doesn’t it? The more you struggle, the further you seem to sink, but you can’t stop thrashing around.
Stuck is exhausting, because it puts you in constant emotional motion, but you’re not actually getting anywhere (except deeper in the quicksand pit). Even worse, stuck comes with it’s own playlist of dark emotions.
In the beginning, you might be frustrated, impatient, or indignant. Eventually, after fighting stuck for a while, you transition to feeling angry, sad, resigned, and possibly even hopeless.
Stuck-ness involves struggle and repetition. Maybe you’re having the same argument over and over again with an important person in your life, where you talk the problem to death, but can’t seem to solve it. Or the same kind of person could be showing up in in your life again and again, derailing you with their drama and distraction.
You could be in the worst of stuck, where you’ve fallen into a self-defeating pattern. This is the stuck where you’re doing something that isn’t good for you or your life. You know your behavior is in conflict with what you want for yourself. But you keep doing it anyway.
Maybe you’re spending money you don’t have, or procrastinating and avoiding doing what needs to be done. You could be self-harming. Maybe you’re drinking or popping a pill to numb out, pounding bags of Doritos to comfort yourself, or confusing sex with love. Every morning you vow you won’t do whatever your “it” is again, but you do. Again. And again. And again.
That (of course) makes you feel so bad about yourself that you need a little something to numb or comfort again, so you go right back to what you said you wouldn’t do. It’s a vicious cycle on perpetual repeat.
Would you be interested if I told you I had a formula you could use to get un-stuck? I’ve used it myself (for some doozies) and as a life coach for women I’ve taught many of my clients how to use it for themselves.
No matter how bad things are right now, or how long you’ve been dealing with your problem or self-defeating pattern, I want you to know you can change it. You don’t have to live with stuck. You are way bigger than that.
Let’s do this, shall we? In this week’s episode of GrooveTV, I’ll give you 3 steps to get un-stuck once and for all. Press PLAY already. Sticky is icky. Read More