Welcome back to the Remodel Your Reality Challenge! Do you believe you’re a good person, or are you unsure of yourself? Are you willing to be authentic in your interactions with others, expecting to be accepted, or do you believe you’re flawed in some way? Do you see yourself as intelligent and capable, and confident that you can accomplish the goals you set out to achieve? Or do you doubt your ability to impact your life, making changes once you commit to something?
Your self-beliefs dictate what you will attempt and how fully you’ll allow yourself to participate in life. They govern how much love you will allow yourself to receive and the quality of connection you’re able to establish with others. A conviction in your own goodness and capacity for accomplishment acts as a grounding foundation for your existence, allowing you to pursue your dreams and create rich relationships. Conversely, buying into beliefs that you’re not smart enough, not capable enough, or flawed in some way undermines your ability to stand strong in your being.
One Thing To Think About
When you believe there is something wrong with you, your energy will be invested in hiding this truth. You’ll live in fear, not joy. You’ll avoid getting close to others, because you’ll fear their reaction once they get to know the real you, and you’ll avoid pursuing your dreams out of a secret fear that you’ll fail and be found out for the fraud you fear you are.
You must establish a solid belief in your goodness, deservingness, and competence in order to stand strong in life. As you make the investment in developing and nurturing empowering self-beliefs, you will experience a new vitality, which you can then channel into creating success, happiness, and fulfillment.
One Question To Answer
What do you believe about yourself? Are you competent? Are you a good person who deserves great things? What do you fear about yourself? Where are you holding yourself back? Where might you need to shift your beliefs?
One Challenge To Take
- Identify one empowering belief you have about yourself.
- How has that belief served you in your life and work?
- Now, identify one disempowering belief you have about yourself.
- For each belief, ask yourself the following:
- Identify it – Write the belief down.
- Define it – What is supporting this belief? What experiences are you using to prove the belief?
- Disprove it – Are your proof points really valid? What else could they mean?
- Shift it – How could you improve upon this need, so that it serves you? What proof points could you use to support it?
Until next time, take care!